Processos seletivos
According to art. 3 of Resolution No. 18/2021 CEPE, the duration of the post-doctoral internship must last at least three (3) months and at maximum five (5) years. Internships approved for a period that exceeds twelve (12) months must have their authorization renewed annually, proved by a performance evaluation.
Also, according to art. 5 § 1 of the same resolution, the teaching and extension activities registered in the work plan must follow the specific Resolution of the University Council of UFES, which establishes the Volunteer Service Program within the scope of this university. Furthermore, UFES is not responsible, under
any circumstances, for the admission of an employment status, nor any obligation of a labor, social security or similar nature, as well as for remuneration or indemnities claimed by them for any damages or losses resulting from those activities.
The PPGEE/UFES post-doctoral internship offers four lines of research: Power Processing and Electrical Systems (PES); Robotics, Control and Automation (RCA); Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing (EBP); and Telecommunications and Information Technology (TTI).
Aluno especial
Master for Special Modality
The PPGEE offers vacancies for Special students, exclusively for the Master's course, for candidates with a degree in Electrical Engineering and related areas, defined by the Program's Academic Board. However, the undergraduate degree must be a Bachelor's Degree or a Full Degree. Information about the Selection Process, such as requirements, assessment criteria, application dates, number of places, among others, can be found in the current notice, available on this website. Master's students are admitted in the Special mode only in the first semester of each year.
Doctorate for Special Modality
The PPGEE does not have a Doctorate course in the Special modality.