Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)
Curriculum: https://lattes.cnpq.br/5893731382102675
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000000282873045

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Breast Cancer Detection in Mammographs 27/09/2022 24 Coordinator *
Medical image processing with space mapping from sensors to and space of images using generative networks 12/09/2022 48 Coordinator *
Use of Artificial Intelligence for Cancer Detection in Human Tissues and Pathology Detection in EEG Signals 03/01/2022 48 Researcher *
Deep Learning Networks Applied to Cancer Detection in Human Tissues and Pathology Detection in EEG and ECG Signals 01/01/2019 36 Researcher *
01/01/2019 36 Collaborator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
FLAVIO GARCIA PEREIRA 27/08/2012 DSc in Electrical Engineering
SANDRA MARA TORRES MULLER 01/08/2012 DSc in Electrical Engineering
FERNANDO KENTARO INABA 11/06/2012 MSc in Electrical Engineering
KARIN SATIE KOMATI 16/12/2011 DSc in Electrical Engineering
VICTOR MARQUES MIRANDA 25/11/2011 MSc in Electrical Engineering


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
KLAUS FABIAN COCO 07/03/2003 Co-advisor * MSc dissertation


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