Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)
Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort descending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Probabilistic Assessment and Evaluation of Transients in a Medium Voltage Three-Phase Capacitor Bank Energized by Unsynchronized Vacuum Switchgears 01/08/2018 48 Coordinator *
Harmonic Compensation Using a Series Hybrid Filter in a Centralized AC Microgrid 01/08/2018 48 Coordinator *
A New Multifunctional Converter Based on a Series Compensator Applied to AC Microgrids 01/08/2018 48 Coordinator *
01/01/2020 24 Coordinator *
05/01/2021 48 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense date Coursesort descending
STÉFANI VANUSSI MELO GUAITOLINI 27/11/2019 DSc in Electrical Engineering
THIAGO SILVA AMORIM 23/09/2022 DSc in Electrical Engineering
RAFAEL CABRAL KNAIP KRAUSE 23/08/2023 MSc in Electrical Engineering
RAFAEL MESSIAS TANAJURA LESSA JÚNIOR 09/08/2022 MSc in Electrical Engineering
KÉSIA ALVES COELHO LOUBACK 29/06/2018 MSc in Electrical Engineering


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort descending Role Type
RAFAEL CABRAL KNAIP KRAUSE 23/08/2023 Advisor * MSc dissertation
RAFAEL CABRAL KNAIP KRAUSE 23/08/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
INGRID LARISSA ALVES Advisor * Proposal for msc dissertation
Acesso à informação
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